08 April, 2011

Gotta get better at doing this!

It's been an absolutely insane week, and scratch my last post; I need SLEEP not a hobby. I just started working at Williams-Sonoma again (part-time) and coupled with a crazy stressful week at my more-real job, I am pooped. The kind of exhausted you don't feel until your body and mind give out and you stop being able to articulate things and your body can't think of things to say. It's embarrassing! And sad.

So tonight, I came home early from a dance party (at which I very sorely lost the last two rounds) and am looking forward to enjoying a documentary called "Running the Sahara". I'll let you know how it goes. :)

Otherwise, my weekend is going to be filled with other lovely things... So far I've planned a run in the hills, which will be lovely in the California spring time. This past week I went to Las Trampas. Last week I went to Pleasanton Ridge. I'm hoping to step out more often, but with my work schedule starting to pick up, I might have to keep it to a few days per week... We'll see how it goes!

I'm also sending a box off to Japan! A few birthday-type things will need to be acquired before I send it all off, but otherwise, my items and customs forms will be ready to go. :) I'm so excited!

Hope you're having a lovely start to the weekend!

Bisoux! <3